General information on Apples

An apple is one of the most common type of fruit, not only in middle Europe. It is a fruit of apple trees like a pear. Apples are an important part of human diet. We produce of these cider and juice, jam, applesauce, tea, flavor to meals etc… Fruits ripen in late summer and autumn. They are mostly spherical shape but some varieties are flattened or oval with a diameter of 5-9 cm, some of them up to 15 cm. Peel of a ripe fruit may vary according to variety, from yellow to deep red.
Baby Food

Healing effects of apples

The fruits of apple trees have an unique place in the diet- they contain a wide range of substances beneficial organism , they affect stress resistance, enhance immunity. Apples contain fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants, which protect the DNA in human cells and reduce the risk of cancer. Other substances protect the brain against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood fats. They strengthen the immune system, heart and blood circulation, stabilize blood sugar, cleanse intestines, strengthen gums.

Therefore, everyone should eat at least one apple a day.

Apples set for baby food

Apples grown as stuff for the production of baby food are not intended for a direct sale towards consumers. Apples must match very strick criteria as for residue free pesticides and that is why these apples are analysed in foreign accredited lab based on reqirements of baby food producers.
Processors sometimes accept items with some low quality characters such as size imbalance or tiny fruit, healed minor damages etc. Apples are harvested into clean, sanitized containers in order to keep basic rules of saving harvest, they are sorted according to variety and transported, all above mentioned according to HACCAP certification.

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